So you're ready to buy a home? Whether it's your first time or you've gone through the process before, there are a few key things you need to know in order to have success. In this video San Diego Realtor, Karlee Van Dyke will share with you her secret to buying a home and give you a plan so you can achieve your dream home!

Congratulations, your offer was accepted and you are a homeowner. Doesn't that sound like music to your ears? It's one of the joys of what I do, and it's the best part of my job. I love delivering that news, and I know that my clients love receiving that news.

That process isn't just something that happens overnight. Oftentimes, it can start 12 months in advance. So if you want to get that call, give me a call at this number and let's sit down and come up with a plan to make that dream of yours come true. My name is Karlee Van Dyke, and we'll make, "Congratulations, you are a homeowner," a phone call for you.

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