Are you starting your home buying journey for the first time? San Diego realtor Damian Kowalczyk gives you three home buying tips for first-time home buyers. Ensure they are equipped with the knowledge they need to go out and buy their dream home.

3 Tips All First Time Home Buyers Need to Know

Are you looking to buy a home? Well, here is three tips that you should follow in this exact order. Hi, I'm Damian with Whissel Realty Group here in San Diego. And I know the home-buying process could be stressful and confusing, especially if it's your first time around the block. If you're looking to buy your first home in the near future, here are three tips to help you stay on track.

Speak to a Lender

Tip number one, speak with a lender. The first thing you want to do is sit down with a lender and get pre-approved. Now, a lot of first-time home-buyers jump right past this step and get right into the home search, which I know is the most exciting part about buying your new home. But before we can get into that, you want to make sure that you're looking at the right homes. And getting pre-approved, that will allow you to have the right criteria of the home that you should be looking at.

Down Payments

Tip number two is your down payment. Now, a lot of first-time home-buyers still believe that you need that traditional 20% down to buy your first home. But in today's day and age, we have so many different lending options that you can buy a home with as little as zero to 3-1/2% down.

Working with a Professional

And tip number three, work with a real estate agent. Now, I know this might sound biased being a real estate agent but I strongly recommend you speak with some agents in your local neighborhood and find one that you really connect with. And the reason why I say work with an agent is that they will eliminate a lot of the stress from the home-buying process. And at the same time, they're going to prevent you from making any costly mistakes. And get this, the best part about working with an agent as a buyer is that they get paid through the seller.

You really have nothing to lose. If you have any questions about these tips here or about the home-buying process in general, feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message and let's find your next dream home.