Looking to buy a new construction home but aren't 100% sure about all the steps? San Diego realtor Anntoinette Trotty-Smith shares several tips and things to know about buying a new construction home.

What is the Process to Buying a New Construction Build

Hi, I'm Anntoinette with Whissel Realty Group. I've worked with new construction for the past three years for Baldwin and Sons in Otay Ranch. I assist the families with picking out their lots, their upgrades, and floor plans that best suit their families. So upon visiting the new construction sales office, you come in, you tour the model homes, and figure out which four plan is best for you and your family, which would fit your needs.

You visit the model homes, there are usually three or four model homes that you choose the floor plan which is best for you and your family. At that time, once you submit an offer and it's accepted by the builder, you go to the design center and pick out your upgrades. So when you go to the design center, you have a couple of different options, you have the construction options where you would change a room, so maybe add a different bedroom or extend the master bath, or there are the cosmetic options where you would pick out your cabinets, flooring or countertops.

One thing I noticed was that the realtor family that came in with their realtors was able to negotiate for upgrades or credits towards closing costs. Now that I'm a real estate agent, I can help you get the home that you want, negotiate the features and the upgrades that you need, and help you throughout the whole process. I'm Anntoinette Trotty-Smith with Whissel Realty Group, if you're thinking about buying a new construction home, reach out to me and I can help you with that process.