When it comes to selling your home, choosing the right real estate agent can make all the difference. An effective agent should have a comprehensive marketing plan to ensure your property stands out and attracts the right buyers. Kyle Whissel, owner of Whissel Realty Group, outlines three essential components that should be included in your agent’s marketing plan to maximize your home’s appeal and selling potential.

1. First Impressions Matter

First impressions are crucial when selling your home. Buyers often make snap judgments based on the initial images and information they see online. Therefore, ensuring that your home makes a positive first impression is paramount.

Professional Photography and Interior Design

Reflecting on your experiences as a home buyer, you likely encountered listings with poor-quality photos, cluttered spaces, or even the presence of pets in the images. These elements detract from a home’s appeal. Whissel emphasizes the importance of hiring an agent who prioritizes high-quality photography and professional interior design. This includes:

  • Decluttering and Staging: An interior designer can offer valuable advice on decluttering and staging your home to highlight its best features.

  • High-Resolution Photos: Top-notch photography is essential to capture your home in the best light.

  • Aerial Shots and 3D Tours: If your home boasts unique features such as a beautiful location or stunning views, aerial photography and 3D tours can significantly enhance its online presence.

Video Marketing

In today’s digital age, video marketing has become increasingly important. Short, engaging videos can capture the attention of potential buyers as they scroll through social media. An agent with a solid video marketing strategy can create captivating content that highlights your home’s unique selling points.

2. A Multimedia Marketing Approach

Combining traditional and modern marketing techniques can reach a broader audience and increase your home’s visibility. Whissel Realty Group integrates both old-school and new-school methods to ensure maximum exposure.

Traditional Marketing Techniques

  • Direct Mail: Sending postcards or flyers to targeted neighborhoods.

  • Phone Calls and Door Knocking: Personally reaching out to potential buyers.

  • Open Houses: Hosting open houses to allow potential buyers to experience the home firsthand.

Modern Marketing Techniques

  • Social Media Advertising: Running targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach potential buyers.

  • Online Listings and SEO: Ensuring your home is listed on all major real estate websites and optimized for search engines.

  • Email Campaigns: Using email marketing to keep potential buyers informed about your property.

3. Showcasing Your Home

Effective showcasing is about more than just having a well-staged home. It involves strategic planning to ensure your home is presented in the best possible light, both in private showings and public open houses.

Open Houses

Whissel likens open houses to live auctions, where the presence of multiple interested buyers can create a sense of urgency and competition. This atmosphere can drive up the selling price. A well-attended open house demonstrates to potential buyers that there is significant interest in the property, encouraging them to make competitive offers.

Private Showings

While open houses can generate buzz, private showings are essential for serious buyers who need more time to explore the property. A good agent will have a plan for both types of viewings, ensuring that your home is always presented impeccably.

The 7-Day Listing Launch

For those interested in learning more about Whissel Realty Group’s approach, Kyle Whissel introduces the “7-Day Listing Launch,” a marketing plan recognized by the US Patent and Trademark Office. This plan encompasses all the essential elements mentioned above, ensuring your home gets the attention it deserves from the moment it hits the market.


Choosing an agent with a robust and well-rounded marketing plan is crucial for selling your home. Ensure your agent can clearly articulate their strategy and includes these three must-have components: a focus on first impressions, a multimedia marketing approach, and an effective showcasing plan. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of selling your home quickly and at the best possible price.

For more information on the 7-Day Listing Launch or to discuss your home’s marketing plan, contact Whissel Realty Group. Their team is ready to help you navigate the selling process and achieve your real estate goals.

Call today to speak with our team on how to take advantage of these awesome perks