Hey everyone! It's Kyle from Whissel Realty Group, and today I'm here to talk about something super important if you're buying a home in sunny California with solar panels. We're diving into the world of Net Energy Metering (NEM) and why knowing whether it's 2.0 or 3.0 matters BIG time! Find out how the type of NEM can affect your electricity bills and why having a backup battery might be crucial.Plus, learn why NEM 2.0 homes are like hidden treasures! Watch now to stay in the know about solar power in California!

The Importance of Solar Energy in California

California's sunny climate makes it an ideal location for solar energy. The state has even mandated that most new homes must be equipped with solar panels. As a result, understanding solar policies like NEM 2.0 and NEM 3.0 is essential for anyone involved in the real estate market.

What is Net Energy Metering (NEM)?

Net Energy Metering (NEM) is a billing arrangement that allows solar energy system owners to receive credit for excess electricity they generate and send back to the grid. The credits can then be used to offset the cost of electricity pulled from the grid when the solar panels are not producing enough power, such as at night or during cloudy days.

NEM 2.0 vs. NEM 3.0: Key Differences

NEM 2.0

NEM 2.0, which was in effect until April 2023, allowed solar energy system owners to export excess electricity to the grid at the same rate they would pay to purchase electricity from the grid. This retail-for-retail exchange created a balanced and straightforward billing process for solar energy users.

Benefits of NEM 2.0

  • Retail Rate Credit: Solar energy exported to the grid is credited at the retail rate, making it a highly attractive arrangement for solar system owners.

  • Simple Accounting: The retail-for-retail exchange simplifies billing and makes it easy for homeowners to understand their energy savings.

  • Grandfathering: Systems installed before April 2023 are grandfathered into NEM 2.0, maintaining these benefits.

NEM 3.0

NEM 3.0, implemented after April 2023, introduced significant changes to the net metering policy. Under NEM 3.0, excess solar energy exported to the grid is credited at a lower, wholesale rate, which is often 50% to 75% less than the retail rate. When homeowners need to pull electricity from the grid, they still pay the retail rate, creating a less favorable economic balance for solar energy users.

Changes with NEM 3.0

  • Wholesale Rate Credit: Excess energy exported to the grid is credited at the wholesale rate, reducing the financial benefits of solar energy systems.

  • Economic Disparity: Homeowners sell excess energy at a lower rate but buy electricity at the higher retail rate, which can lead to higher overall energy costs.

  • Increased Need for Backup Batteries: To maximize the benefits of their solar systems, many homeowners are now adding backup batteries to store excess energy instead of exporting it to the grid at a lower rate.

Impact of NEM Policies on Home Buying

When buying a home with a solar energy system, it's crucial to determine whether the system falls under NEM 2.0 or NEM 3.0. This distinction can significantly affect the home's energy costs and overall value.

Benefits of Homes with NEM 2.0 Systems

  • Higher Savings: Homes with NEM 2.0 systems benefit from retail rate credits, leading to higher energy savings.

  • Attractive Selling Point: These homes are more attractive to buyers due to the favorable net metering arrangement.

  • Predictable Energy Costs: The straightforward retail-for-retail exchange under NEM 2.0 makes it easier to predict and manage energy costs.

Considerations for Homes with NEM 3.0 Systems

  • Lower Export Credits: Buyers need to be aware that NEM 3.0 systems credit excess energy at the lower wholesale rate.

  • Backup Batteries: Many NEM 3.0 systems include backup batteries to store excess energy, which can be a valuable addition.

  • Potential for Higher Costs: The economic disparity between buying and selling electricity under NEM 3.0 can lead to higher energy costs if the system lacks adequate storage solutions.

The Role of Backup Batteries

Backup batteries have become an essential component of solar energy systems under NEM 3.0. These batteries store excess energy produced during the day, allowing homeowners to use it during peak hours or when the solar panels are not generating electricity. This storage capability mitigates the impact of the lower wholesale credit rate and helps maintain energy independence.

Popular Backup Battery Options

  • Tesla Powerwall: One of the most well-known options, the Tesla Powerwall, offers robust energy storage and integration with solar systems.

  • LG Chem RESU: Another popular choice, the LG Chem RESU, provides reliable energy storage with high efficiency.

  • Enphase Encharge: Known for its modular design, the Enphase Encharge allows homeowners to scale their storage capacity based on their needs.

Practical Tips for Home Buyers

When considering a home with a solar energy system, it's important to ask the right questions to understand the system's impact on your energy costs and overall investment. Here are some key questions to ask:

  1. Is the solar system under NEM 2.0 or NEM 3.0?

    • Understanding which net metering policy the system falls under will give you a clear idea of the financial benefits.

  2. Is the solar system owned, leased, or under a power purchase agreement (PPA)?

    • The ownership arrangement can affect your responsibilities and benefits as the new homeowner.

  3. Does the system include backup batteries?

    • Backup batteries are crucial for NEM 3.0 systems to maximize energy savings.

  4. What is the capacity and condition of the solar panels and batteries?

    • Assessing the system's capacity and condition will help you understand its efficiency and potential maintenance needs.

  5. Are there any warranties or maintenance agreements in place?

    • Knowing the warranties and maintenance agreements can provide peace of mind and protect your investment.


Understanding the differences between NEM 2.0 and NEM 3.0 is essential for anyone involved in the California real estate market. Homes with solar energy systems offer significant benefits, but the specific net metering policy can impact the overall value and savings. By asking the right questions and working with knowledgeable professionals like the team at Whissel Realty Group, home buyers can make informed decisions and maximize their investment in solar energy.

Key Takeaways

  • NEM 2.0 vs. NEM 3.0: NEM 2.0 offers retail rate credits for excess energy, while NEM 3.0 credits at the lower wholesale rate.

  • Backup Batteries: Essential for NEM 3.0 systems to store excess energy and maintain savings.

  • Ask the Right Questions: Determine the net metering policy, ownership arrangement, and presence of backup batteries when buying a home with solar.

  • Work with Experts: Partnering with experienced real estate professionals like Whissel Realty Group ensures you understand and maximize the benefits of your solar investment.

For more information and personalized assistance, contact Whissel Realty Group. Their expertise in solar energy systems and real estate will guide you through the process and help you make the best decision for your home purchase.

Call today to speak with our team on how to take advantage of these awesome perks