First impressions are everything in real estate! 🏡✨ I'm Kimo Quance with Whissel Realty Group, here to introduce our trademarked Seven Day Listing Launch.

Our comprehensive approach ensures your property makes the best first impression and reaches the right buyers. Whether you're local or looking to move to San Diego, our strategy is designed to get you top dollar.

Want to learn more about how we can help you? Contact us today! Call, text, or click the link. We can't wait to help you achieve your real estate goals!

The Importance of First Impressions

We've all heard the saying, "You only get one chance to make a great first impression." This is especially true in real estate. When potential buyers view properties, their initial perception can significantly influence their buying decisions. Kimo Quants emphasizes that making a strong first impression is crucial for achieving top dollar for your property.

Common Pitfalls in Real Estate Listings

Before diving into the Seven Day Listing Launch, it's essential to understand the common pitfalls that many property listings suffer from:

  1. Bad Lighting: Poorly lit photos can make a property look unappealing and smaller than it actually is.

  2. Missing Pictures: Incomplete photo galleries leave buyers wondering about the state of critical areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

  3. Unprofessional Photos: Photos with people in them or cluttered rooms can turn potential buyers away.

  4. Lack of Planning: Rushed listings often fail to highlight a property's best features, resulting in a less favorable impression.

Introducing the Seven Day Listing Launch

Whissel Realty Group's trademarked Seven Day Listing Launch addresses these pitfalls by meticulously planning and executing the property listing process. Here’s a breakdown of what this innovative strategy entails:

Day 1-2: Preparation

Professional Photography and Videography: High-quality images and videos are crucial. Professional photographers capture your property in the best light, ensuring every room looks its best. Videos provide a dynamic way to showcase the home’s layout and features.

3D Tours: For out-of-town buyers or those who prefer a virtual walkthrough, 3D tours offer an immersive experience. This technology allows potential buyers to explore the property as if they were there in person.

Floor Plans: Providing a detailed floor plan helps buyers understand the layout and flow of the home. This clarity can be a significant selling point, especially for larger properties.

Day 3-4: Marketing Materials

Social Media Campaigns: With millions of users spending hours on social media, it’s a powerful platform for property marketing. Whissel Realty Group creates targeted campaigns to reach potential buyers who are actively looking for homes.

Snail Mail: In the age of digital communication, physical mail stands out. Personalized mailers are sent to potential buyers and local residents, ensuring your property catches their attention.

Day 5-6: Market Readiness

MLS Listing: The property is listed on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and syndicated to hundreds of real estate websites. This broad exposure ensures maximum visibility.

Responsive Communication: A dedicated team manages inquiries and schedules showings. Unlike single agents who may miss calls, Whissel Realty Group ensures every potential buyer gets a timely response.

Day 7: Launch Day

Open House and Showings: The property is officially launched to the market with open houses and private showings. This coordinated effort ensures a strong debut and attracts serious buyers.

The Benefits of the Seven Day Listing Launch

For Sellers

  1. Top Dollar Sales: By creating a polished and professional first impression, the Seven Day Listing Launch helps achieve higher sale prices.

  2. Quick Sales: Well-prepared and marketed properties attract more buyers quickly, reducing the time your home spends on the market.

  3. Less Stress: A structured and planned approach minimizes last-minute rushes and ensures a smooth selling process.

For Buyers

  1. Comprehensive Information: Buyers have access to all the necessary information upfront, including high-quality photos, 3D tours, and floor plans.

  2. Convenient Showings: The efficient scheduling system ensures buyers can view the property at convenient times without delays.

  3. Transparent Process: Clear and professional listings build trust and confidence in potential buyers.

Real-Life Success Stories

Kimo Quants shares numerous success stories from clients who have benefited from the Seven Day Listing Launch. Here are a few highlights:

Case Study 1: The Family Home

A family looking to sell their home quickly and for a good price turned to Whissel Realty Group. Using the Seven Day Listing Launch, their home was professionally photographed, marketed extensively, and listed with a comprehensive strategy. The result? A sale at 10% above the asking price within two weeks.

Case Study 2: The Relocation

An out-of-state client needed to sell their San Diego property quickly due to a job relocation. The Seven Day Listing Launch ensured the property was market-ready with 3D tours and targeted social media campaigns. The home sold within a month, allowing the client to move without the stress of an unsold property lingering.

Case Study 3: The Investor

An investor wanted to sell a multi-family property but was concerned about the competitive market. Whissel Realty Group’s team used the Seven Day Listing Launch to highlight the property’s potential to other investors and homebuyers alike. The property received multiple offers and sold above market value.

How to Get Started with the Seven Day Listing Launch

If you're considering selling your property and want to maximize its value, the Seven Day Listing Launch by Whissel Realty Group is the way to go. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Contact Whissel Realty Group: Reach out via call, text, or their website to schedule a consultation.

  2. Initial Consultation: Discuss your goals and get an overview of the Seven Day Listing Launch process.

  3. Property Assessment: The team will assess your property and create a tailored plan to prepare it for the market.

  4. Launch Preparation: Follow the seven-day preparation plan to ensure your property is market-ready.

  5. Market Launch: Execute the marketing plan and begin attracting potential buyers.


The Seven Day Listing Launch by Whissel Realty Group is a game-changer in real estate marketing. By focusing on creating a strong first impression and leveraging comprehensive marketing strategies, this approach ensures your property gets the attention it deserves and sells for top dollar.

Key Takeaways

  1. First Impressions Matter: A well-prepared and professionally marketed listing attracts more buyers and higher offers.

  2. Structured Approach: The Seven Day Listing Launch provides a detailed and organized plan to prepare your property for the market.

  3. Comprehensive Marketing: Combining traditional and digital marketing strategies ensures maximum exposure.

  4. Professional Support: Working with a dedicated team ensures timely responses to inquiries and efficient management of showings.

If you're ready to sell your home and want to achieve the best possible outcome, contact Kimo Quants and the team at Whissel Realty Group today. Their expertise and innovative approach will guide you through the process and help you reach your real estate goals.

Call today to speak with our team on how to take advantage of these awesome perks