Hey there! Are you staying up late searching online for your perfect home but just can't find it? I'm Clayton Connolly, and I want to let you in on a little secret: 20-25% of homes sold in San Diego never make it to websites like Zillow. These are called off-market sales.
For instance, I had a client looking for a unique property—a triplex. By leveraging my network with other agents and homeowners, I found the perfect match. We sidestepped the intense bidding wars and secured exactly what we wanted.
If you're interested in discovering these hidden gems and avoiding the competitive market, reach out to me. Let's find your dream home together!

The Mystery of Off-Market Properties

Off-market properties, also known as pocket listings, are homes that are sold without being publicly advertised. These properties are often sold through private networks, giving certain buyers exclusive access to a wider range of homes. According to Clayton, about 20 to 25% of homes sold in San Diego fall into this category. So why do these homes never appear online, and how can buyers gain access to them?

Benefits for Sellers

Sellers often choose to keep their homes off the market for several reasons. For some, privacy is paramount. They may prefer to avoid the hassle of having strangers walk through their home or want to keep their sale discreet. Others might be looking for a quick, hassle-free transaction without the competitive pressure of the open market. By selling off-market, they can find serious buyers more efficiently, often resulting in smoother negotiations and quicker sales.

Advantages for Buyers

For buyers, accessing off-market properties means less competition and more opportunities. These homes are not subject to the same bidding wars that can drive prices up on publicly listed properties. Buyers can negotiate directly with sellers, potentially securing better terms and prices. Additionally, the variety of homes available off-market includes unique and high-demand properties that might not appear on traditional listings.

Real-Life Success: Finding the Perfect Home Off-Market

Clayton shares a recent success story to illustrate the power of off-market properties. A client of his was searching for a very specific type of home – a triplex. Despite extensive online searches, nothing met their criteria. Leveraging his network, Clayton was able to find an off-market triplex that perfectly matched the client's needs.

Networking Behind the Scenes

Clayton used his connections with other agents and property owners to uncover hidden opportunities. This behind-the-scenes networking allowed him to present his client with a property that was not publicly listed. The seller, who wanted to avoid the chaos of open houses and multiple showings, was pleased to receive a tailored offer. This off-market transaction ensured both the buyer and seller got exactly what they wanted without the stress and competition of a traditional sale.

The Offer Process

By working directly with the seller, Clayton's client could present an offer that precisely matched the seller's expectations. This approach facilitated a smoother negotiation process and a quicker agreement. The buyer secured their ideal property without the usual delays and complications associated with competitive bidding situations.

How to Access Off-Market Properties

Gaining access to off-market properties requires more than just browsing online listings. It involves building relationships, leveraging networks, and working with experienced real estate professionals who have inside knowledge of the market. Here’s how buyers can unlock these hidden homes:

Work with a Knowledgeable Realtor

An experienced realtor like Clayton from Whissel Realty Group can be an invaluable asset. Realtors who specialize in off-market properties have extensive networks and connections that can open doors to exclusive opportunities. They can identify potential sellers who are willing to negotiate privately and match buyers with properties that meet their specific needs.

Build a Strong Network

Buyers can also benefit from building their own networks. Attending local real estate events, joining community groups, and connecting with other homeowners can provide insights into upcoming off-market opportunities. Word-of-mouth referrals and local contacts often reveal properties that aren’t listed publicly.

Be Ready to Act Quickly

Off-market deals can move fast. Buyers need to be prepared to act quickly when an opportunity arises. This means having financing in place, knowing what you want, and being ready to make a decisive offer. Working closely with a realtor ensures that you’re always in the loop and ready to seize opportunities as they come.

Leverage Technology and Tools

While off-market properties aren’t listed on major sites like Zillow, some platforms specialize in these types of listings. Tools like private real estate networks and specialized databases can provide additional resources for finding off-market homes. Realtors often have access to these tools and can use them to benefit their clients.

The Future of Off-Market Properties

The trend of off-market properties is likely to continue growing as both buyers and sellers recognize the benefits. In competitive markets like San Diego, off-market transactions provide a valuable alternative to traditional home buying and selling processes. By staying informed and connected, buyers can tap into this hidden segment of the market and find their perfect home.

Benefits for the Market

Off-market transactions can help balance the market by providing more options for buyers and sellers. They reduce the pressure on public listings and can lead to more efficient transactions. As more people become aware of this option, the real estate market can become more dynamic and flexible.

Adapting to Changes

As the real estate market evolves, buyers and sellers must adapt to new trends and opportunities. Off-market properties represent a shift towards more personalized and strategic transactions. By embracing this trend, buyers and sellers can achieve their goals more effectively.


Unlocking hidden homes through off-market opportunities offers a significant advantage in the competitive San Diego real estate market. With about 20 to 25% of homes sold off-market, buyers who tap into this resource can find unique properties without the intense competition of public listings.

Realtor Clayton from Whissel Realty Group demonstrates how leveraging networks and behind-the-scenes connections can lead to successful transactions. Whether you’re a buyer looking for the perfect home or a seller seeking a discreet and efficient sale, off-market properties provide a viable and attractive option.

Key Takeaways

  1. Off-Market Properties: These homes are sold without being publicly advertised, representing a significant portion of the San Diego market.

  2. Benefits for Sellers: Privacy, convenience, and quick transactions are key reasons sellers opt for off-market sales.

  3. Advantages for Buyers: Less competition, better negotiation terms, and access to unique properties make off-market opportunities appealing.

  4. Networking and Connections: Working with experienced realtors and building strong networks are essential for accessing off-market homes.

  5. Future Trends: The off-market property trend is likely to grow, providing more options and flexibility for both buyers and sellers.

For those interested in exploring off-market properties and gaining an edge in the San Diego real estate market, Clayton and the team at Whissel Realty Group are ready to assist. Contact Clayton today to unlock the hidden homes of San Diego and find your perfect property.

Call today to speak with our team on how to take advantage of these awesome perks