Hey there! It's Tom Lux from Whissel Realty! Remember when I bought my first home? It was like jumping on a moving train! 🚂💨 Now, I want to share that excitement with you and talk about why real estate is like a train ride. From starter homes to forever homes, every step is a move forward. Let's chat about how investing in yourself through real estate can lead to wealth and security for your family. Don't miss out on the train to financial freedom! 🏡💰

The First Purchase: A Step into the Appreciating Market

Tom Lux vividly recalls the joy and satisfaction of purchasing his first home. Despite the initial financial challenges, he recognized that every payment was an investment in himself rather than contributing to someone else’s mortgage. This perspective is crucial for first-time homebuyers who may feel daunted by the costs involved.

"Every penny I'm putting in is money invested in myself," Tom explains. This mindset shift transforms the notion of paying a mortgage from a burden into a pathway for personal and financial growth. By owning a home, you start to participate in the appreciating market, where property values tend to increase over time, thus growing your wealth.

Real Estate as a Moving Train

To illustrate the dynamics of real estate investment, Tom offers a compelling analogy: real estate is like a moving train. Here’s how it breaks down:

  • The Train’s Movement: The train represents the real estate market, which is constantly moving forward. This forward motion symbolizes the ongoing appreciation of property values.

  • The Caboose and the Engine: The train’s caboose represents a starter home, while the engine symbolizes the ultimate or dream home. For many, stepping onto the fast-moving engine (the dream home) right away might be difficult. Instead, most people start with the caboose, or a more modest starter home.

  • Jumping Aboard: Getting on the train can be challenging, akin to making that first home purchase. However, once you’re on, you’re moving with the market.

  • Moving Through the Cars: As you gain equity and your financial situation improves, you can move from one home to another, akin to moving from one car to the next on the train. This progression allows you to build wealth and eventually reach your dream home.

The Value of Real Estate Investment

Tom emphasizes that real estate is a proven, safe investment for building family wealth. The appreciation of property values over time means that homeowners can see significant returns on their investment. Moreover, owning property provides stability and a sense of accomplishment that renting cannot match.

"For wealth in your family, nothing is better than real estate," Tom asserts. This statement underscores the potential of real estate to provide long-term financial security and growth.

Taking the First Step: Getting on the Train

For those qualified to purchase a home, Tom’s advice is clear: don’t hesitate. "Get on that train because it's not going to wait for you," he urges. The real estate market, like a moving train, continues to progress, and delaying your entry could mean missing out on potential appreciation and financial benefits.

How Whissel Realty Group Can Help

Navigating the real estate market can be complex, especially for first-time buyers. This is where Whissel Realty Group comes in. Tom Lux and his team are dedicated to providing the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions and successfully invest in real estate.

If you have any questions about getting started in the real estate market or moving up to your next home, reaching out to an experienced agent can make all the difference. As Tom puts it, "Who represents you matters."


Real estate investment is a journey, much like riding a train. Starting with your first home can be challenging, but once you’re on board, the potential for appreciation and wealth-building is significant. Tom Lux’s analogy of the real estate train highlights the importance of taking that first step and continuing to move forward, car by car, towards your ultimate home and financial goals.

Whissel Realty Group is here to help you navigate this journey. With expert guidance and a proven track record, they ensure that your real estate experience is both profitable and enjoyable. Don’t miss the train to financial freedom and family wealth—get started on your real estate journey today.

Call today to speak with our team on how to take advantage of these awesome perks