Justin Verdugo of Whissel Realty kickstarts the discussion by introducing Alex Luic, a seasoned professional from All In Lending. Together, they embark on a journey to demystify the realm of first-time home buyer programs, shedding light on available options and dispelling common misconceptions.

FHA Empowerment Grant

The conversation kicks off with an exploration of the FHA Empowerment Grant, a program offering first-time buyers the opportunity to secure a home with a minimal down payment of 3.5%. Alex elucidates how this grant, fully forgivable after six months, enables buyers to navigate the complexities of home acquisition with greater ease.

California Dream for All

Next on the agenda is the California Dream for All program, often misconstrued as the CalHFA initiative. Alex clarifies the distinctions between these programs, emphasizing the varying down payment assistance options available to prospective buyers. While CalHFA offers guaranteed funds for FHA and conventional loans, California Dream for All operates on a lottery system, necessitating adherence to specific criteria.

Importance of Education

Throughout the discussion, the importance of education emerges as a recurring theme. Alex underscores the significance of buyers' engagement in educational courses, emphasizing the role of agents and lenders in facilitating this process. By empowering buyers with knowledge, they mitigate the challenges associated with navigating the home buying journey.

Sellers Credit and Preferred Lenders

Kyle and Bryan interject to highlight the significance of sellers credit in facilitating transactions, elucidating its role in offsetting closing costs for buyers. Furthermore, they emphasize the value of partnering with preferred lenders, who not only offer competitive rates but also prioritize the client's best interests.

The Pre-Approval Process

Delving deeper into the pre-approval process, the conversation addresses common apprehensions regarding credit inquiries. Alex reassures buyers by introducing a soft pull option, allowing for preliminary assessments without impacting credit scores. This transparent approach fosters trust and empowers buyers to make informed decisions.


As the discussion draws to a close, Kyle and Bryan express their gratitude to Alex for sharing invaluable insights into first-time home buyer programs. They affirm their commitment to fostering a supportive environment for buyers, characterized by transparency, education, and personalized guidance.

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