Are you looking to selling you home? San Diego Realtor Karlee Van Dyke provides valuable insight and tips on navigating the tax benefits your can take advantage of when selling your home.

So when you go to sell your house, did you know that there are tax benefits that you can take advantage of? My name is Karlee Van Dyke with Whistle Realty and I want to share three of those with you today.

So when you go to sell your home, you can mitigate any capital gains tax if you're a single individual up to $250,000, in a married couple up to $500,000. So that's a tax savings right off your taxable income for these. So number two are the deductible expenses.

So anything you pay a real estate agent in commissions, perhaps you pay any legal fees and your title insurance, that is also a tax deduction to you as a seller of your property. Number three, one of the things you could take advantage of is taking the equity and rolling it into another property using a 10-31 exchange.

So those three tax benefits to you as a seller, knowledge is power, and I'm here to deliver that to you. Reach out to me and I'll help you navigate all of the tax savings in tandem with the CPA and get your home sold in record time.