Have you ever dreamt of owning your own home? San Diego Realtor Fernando Garay shares his insights on how to fulfill your dream of becoming a homeowner. Fernando and the team at Whistle Realty are here to help you achieve your dream of owning a home. Contact him to start your journey towards homeownership today!

Hey, this is Fernando Garay. I am happy to be here. I want to share with you about dreams, having a dream of owning a home. And I want to talk about three things about what we have to do to have that dream fulfilled.

Number one, we have to shake off fear. So many times we hear, you know, "There's going to be a recession." There's going to be this and that. The newscaster is saying something negative. We look at our social media and know we are bombarded by constant fear, and so sometimes we're afraid to take the next step. So number one, we have to shake off fear.

Number two, boom! What does fear do? Fear makes you procrastinate. Many people out here say, "Fernando, I'm going to wait for the interest rates to go down. I get a better deal." But they don't understand that procrastination is not a good thing. Interest rates going down is actually going to make the value of the house much higher, so people are going to have a bidding war for a particular home. So procrastination and lower rates is not your best friend.

And number three, boom. You have to live in that dream. The mindset, "I'm going to be a homeowner. I'm going to have my keys. I'm going to have my dream fulfilled." And myself and the company I work with, Whissel Realty, we want to help you fulfill that dream.

Call me at the number below. I want to see myself giving you your keys.