San Diego realtor Kyle Whissel shares the trademarked 7 day listing launch marketing plan, used by the number 1 real estate team in San Diego Whissel Realty Group.

Whissel’s Trademarked Marketing Plan

If you are watching this video, it's because you're thinking about putting your home on the market for sale. If you're going to put your home on the market, we could probably both agree that it makes sense that you have a strategy with how you launch your home onto the market, right?

'Cause you got to have a strategy, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Well, the good thing is, here at Whissel Realty Group, we have a plan. That plan is known as a 7-Day Listing Launch. This is a trademarked system with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This is the plan that we've utilized to sell over 5,000 homes here in San Diego County. And this is the plan that we would love to put in place to help you get your home sold for the highest price, on your timeline. And here's a little bit about how this plan works.

We are very strategic about how we launch these properties. Every day, there's a specific thing that's going to happen.

Day One

Day one, what's going to happen is, we are going to mail out invitations to an open house. Now, this isn't just any open house, this is a private open house just for the neighborhood. And you're probably asking, "Why do I want to invite all my neighbors into my house?" Well, two reasons. One, your neighbors are either renting, and renting sucks and is very expensive, and your neighbors probably don't want to rent their house anymore.

They'd much rather own in the neighborhood as opposed to renting. So we want to bring them in 'cause they're potential buyers for your home. Then the second is the rest of the neighbors, the ones who live in the neighborhood and love the neighborhood. Well, here's the beauty is, if they love the neighborhood, they probably tell their friends about the neighborhood, they have their friends over to the house in the neighborhood, and their friends are saying, "Hey Kyle, if something ever comes up for sale in here, give me a call, I'd love to be your neighbor."

We want to bring all the neighbors into the house, when neighbors find out about the house, they then go and then tell their friends, their family, they start to spread the word, we get that viral effect going. Invitations get mailed out on a Monday. These are nice, high-quality card stock, look like a wedding invitation, something nice and classy. You got a classy home, it deserves a classy presentation.

Day Two

Tuesday, we're going to start running social media ads. We want to make sure that not only are we putting something in the mailbox, but we're putting it in the social feed. So we have ads that are going to be running on Instagram, they're going to be running on Facebook. We got to get in that social feed.

Day Three

Then we activate the listing on Wednesday. We like to activate listings on Wednesday for a couple reasons. One, we know that the two busiest search days of the week on websites, on things like Realtor, Zillow, Trulia, Realty, Homes, all these websites, Thursday and Friday are the two busiest search days of the week.

We also know that the way that these websites rank the property results is based on how many days the home has been on the market. So the less days the home has been on the market, the higher it's going to show in the search results. So by going live on a Wednesday, your property will syndicate to all the websites overnight, Thursday morning, we're right there at the top of the list, and getting the maximum eyeballs on your property.

Day Four

Thursday is when we're going to go and deliver invitations to everybody in the neighborhood. 'Cause I don't want to count on the fact that they got the invitation in the mail. I don't want to count on the fact that they saw the social media ad. I don't want to count on the fact they saw it on Zillow, I'm going to put something at their doorstep. I'm going to go and invite everybody in the neighborhood to come on by.

Day Five

Last, on Friday, now I have a service, I could put a pin on a map, draw a circle a mile around it, or whatever radius we need to. We're going to get the names, the phone numbers, the email addresses of everybody in your neighborhood, and we're going to call, text, and email, and invite all of them to come to our neighborhood open house. Now, depending on the time of year, if we're in the summertime, we like to do these on a Friday night. If we're in the winter time, can't really do nighttime ones, so we do them on a Saturday morning.

Day Six

So we're going to invite the neighbors to come in, we like to have food, we like to have drinks, we like to make it an experience. We've got music, we've got food, we've got all this fun stuff. It's going to be a nice fun experience for people. So we want to get all the neighbors in, want to get them excited about the property, so they start thinking about, "Who do they know who could be a fit for this home?", and maybe it's them. So that's going to happen, let's call that Saturday, and then the most important thing is we've got to follow up with everybody.

Day Seven

Where most realtors drop the ball is they do this amazing open house, they spend all this time, money, energy, and effort to do this open house, and they never follow up with anybody. Well, we're going to follow up with every single person who comes by that open house, one by one by one, 'cause I want to make sure if they came by that open house, I want to know who do they know who could be a potential buyer for your home? So there you have it, that is the 7-Day Listing Launch. This is what's been trademarked, this is what's helped us sell thousands of homes here in San Diego, and that's what's going to help us sell your home.